
Fill in the blanks with appropriate articles (a, an, the or x)

  1. It was ………… pleasant Sunday morning.
  2. We are going for ……….. picnic in just ……… hour from now.
  3. ………….. stories of Munshi Prem chand are read all over …………….. world.
  4. Pt Nehru was …………… well known politician of his time.
  5. Our headmaster is ……….. man of principle.
  6. ………….. canteen of our college wears ………… good look.
  7. I shall visit Kashmir whenever I get …………chance.
  8. Some of …………. boys are still playing on ………. ground.
  9. Have you got ……………. news?
  10. I have never seen such …………… stupid boy in my life.
  11. He does not celebrate all …………….. traditional festivals.
  12. They went to …………… station to receive their new director.
  13. I went with my son to …………… school to talk to ……………. Principal
  14. Ram was working in ……………… office of S.P.
  15. The baby drinks milk three times ………….. day.
  16. He will never tell …………….. lie from now.
  17. Always help …………………… poor.
  18. ………… Gita is a holy book.
  19. My uncle is …………….. S.P.
  20. Ramu is as stupid as ……………….. ass.
  21. There is left in their minds ……….. vague idea.
  22. Have you read such ……………….. book?
  23. A great book grows exactly in proportion to ……….. growth of …………. reader’s mind.
  24. I came upon …………. portfolio of water-colour drawings.
  25. I took …………… book of short stories.
  26. It was ……….. story of Kumari.
  27. She had …………… slate on her knee.
  28. Belief in …………….. ideal dies hard.
  29. I gave him …………….. ten shillings.
  30. But when we read …………… story or a poem out of class hours, we read for amusement.
  31. But …………. young man should discipline himself.
  32. We should read only ……………… books we want to read more than once.
  33. …………. eldest of the Kauravas was asked to fetch one good person from the society of Hastinapur.
  34. As ……… youth I had to work harder.
  35. Practising yoga also encourages one to lead …………. healthier lifestyle.
  36. How far will …………. cart men carry him?
  37. The world now seemed to be ………. poorer place without father.
  38. Sambu stood up on a bench to see what …….. matter was.
  39. He decided to look at …………….. last but one.
  40. He slept soundly for ………….. hour.
  41. They produced …………….. profound sensation.
  42. He was elected ……………. honorary member.
  43. ……. man who robbed you has been arrested.
  44. Shrilal is …………… MP in our constituency.
  45. Sudhir is ……………. most intelligent student in the class.
  46. My nephew is ……….. L.D.C. in a school
  47. ……….. Himalayas lies to ……. north of India.
  48. ………… Bible is ………….. holy book.
  49. Copper is …………….. useful metal.
  50. ……. English is …………. international language.
  51. Ravi is …………. honest person.
  52. He is not ……………. honorable man.
  53. The ship sank in ……….. Red Sea.
  54. ……. Alps are ..… highest mountains in Europe.
  55. …….. able man has not always a distinguished look.
  56. ………. honesty is …………….. best policy.
  57. Ravi is  ……………….. MA in English.
  58. You will find this topic in ………… fifth Chapter.
  59. …….. horses of Kabul are very famous.
  60. ………… reindeer is a native of Norway.
  61. Honest men speak …………. truth.
  62. …………… French is ……………. easy language.
  63. ………… Germany is ……….. European country.
  64. Rustum is …………… young Parsee.
  65. Do you see …………… blue sky ?
  66. I lost …………. pen which you gave me.
  67. ………… sugar is bad for your teeth.
  68. Varanasi is ………….. holy city.
  69. Aladdin had …………… wonderful lamp.
  70. The world is ………………… happy place.
  71. ………………… man is mortal.
  72. He went to ……. school to meet the principal.
  73. ……….. June is …………….. hottest month.
  74. ………… beauty of Nurjahan is well known.
  75. ……….more you read ………….. more you know.
  76. I am in ……………… hurry.
  77. He returned after …………….. hour.
  78. ………… school will shortly close for the Puja holidays.
  79. ………… fourth chapter is very important.
  80. Ravi Shankar plays ……………… Sitar.
  81. I saw ………… lion ……….. lion was roaring.
  82. …………… room is airy.
  83. ……………. Cholera has broken out in Kanpur.
  84. ………… sun shines brightly.
  85. I first met him …………….. year ago.
  86. Yesterday ………. European called at my office.
  87. He bought …… horse ….. ox and …… buffallow.
  88. Let us help …………. poor.
  89. Sanskrit is …………… difficult language.
  90. ………… Ganga is ………… sacred river.
  91. Please don’t make ……………. noise.
  92. This is …………… watch which I gifted her.
  93. Where is ……………. Sahara Desert?
  94. …………. lion is ………… king of beasts.
  95. You are …………. fool to say that.
  96. French is ………………… easy language.
  97. Could you close ……………. door?
  98. ………… book which you mentioned is not available in the market.
  99. She is fond of playing on …………. harmonium.
  100. Surdas is ………….. Milton of India.
  101. …… Jats and ….…. meenas are hard working.
  102. Who is ………… girl sitting there?
  103. Which is …………. longest river in India?
  104. She is ………….. weaker of the two sisters.
  105. ……………. God is omnipresent.
  106. Indian won the match in …..…. fortieth over.
  107. Amjad Ali Khan plays …………… Sarod.
  108. Have you read …………….. Ramayana?
  109. Rama has come without …………….. umbrella.
  110. Mumbai is ………….. very dear place to live in.
  111. She is …………… untidy girl.
  112. ………… letter of appointment reached me on ………….. same day.
  113. If you see her, give her ……………. message.
  114. Don’t tell ……………………..  lie.
  115. I would like to buy …………………. umbrella.
  116. The thief went to ……………………….. bed.
  117. The children found …………… egg in the nest.
  118. English is …………………… language of ………… people of England.
  119. The guide knows …………….way.
  120. …………….. little favor she did for me is unforgettable.
  121. ………… bird in hand is worth two in bush.
  122. ……… … book you want is out of print.
  123. …………. word to the wise is sufficient.
  124. …………… news you broke to his wife made her nervous and she broke down.
  125. Sri Lanka is …………………… island.
  126. Let us discuss ………….. matter seriously.
  127. John got ………….. best present.
  128. …………… Hindustan Times has ……….. widest circulation in ………… northern India.
  129. Rita is .…. MBA from …… University of Poona
  130. Would you open …………. window, please?
  131. My brother is …………. MP.
  132. Man, thou art ……………. wonderful animal.
  133. India is one of ………….. most industrial countries in Asia.
  134. He looks as stupid as …………. owl.
  135. He is ……………… honour to this profession.
  136. ……………. English are very hard working.
  137. ………….. more we get ……….. more we want.
  138. ………… French are very fashionable.
  139. Have you given ……………. message to Neha?
  140. …………. Punjab is a very fertile state.
  141. …………. Ganga is …………….sacred river.
  142. ………….. iron is …………… useful metal.
  143. ………….. man who came here yesterday is a doctor.
  144. …….. march is ……… third month of the year.
  145. ………… Computers are used in many offices.
  146. ……. boy is waiting outside for you ……… boy is wearing ………… black coat ……… coat is torn.
  147. I am short of money …………… money I earned this week has been stolen.
  148. ………. honest man has to suffer sometime.
  149. ………wisdom is the gift of God.
  150. He is ……………… NCC officer.

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